Thursday, December 1, 2011

Dixie Roundup 2012 is coming soon!!!

April 28th, 2012 to be exact! Last year was the first year of the Roundup and it was a GREAT time.  This year will be even better. To get all teh lowdown on what's coming up be sure to check out the Dixie Roundup Blog. Just to whet your whistle here are a few pics from last year!!

Nathan and his Knuck rode in from North Alabama

Dustin and Tim rode their bikes down from Indiana!

Hairbraine came over from Atlanta.

Looking back at the pack on the big ride to Mathew's after teh bike show.

Timebomb from the BDAC crew in Atlanta.

Warren Jr. and his knucklehead chopper. This bike is in the latest Street Chopper by the way.

Waylon from the BDAC wearing the very FIRST "What I See" t-shirt that he bought back when I was selling them through cafepress.

You need to be here and be a part of this years party. It will be great and will be worth the effort!!!


  1. Nice. Hot dogs are on you this time, buddy. Hope to see you soon.

  2. Looks like a gas, but I don't think my '78 Honda would quite fit in.

    Behind Bars - Motorcycles and Life

  3. @Brady Shit, any bike fits in as long as its old!!
    @Waylon I got a cock tail dog for you.
