Nick was surfing Craigslist and discovered this beautiful piece of chopper history. Apparently it sat in a garage unmolested for 10-20 years. The engine appears to have not been run since it was rebuilt. If you are interested in it give Larry a call at the shop, ya might get lucky.
By the way, I want to clear up some info. I am NOT affiliated with GarCo in any way other than them being DAMN Good Friends. Larry lets me hang around and bum shop space as well as take pictures of whatever catches my eye. If you haven't hung out with the GarCo crew and the Haints then you are missing out. As we used to say in the Army, they're "good people". Come by and visit, support the shop and bring your bike in for custom work or even a simple service. It's all good.
It appears that this tire was on a bike that had a bolt close to the tire and a large person must have sat on the back and made it rub.
if it weren't 4,000 miles away, I might know a couple people...including me, who might be interested.