I got my first tattoo back in 1989 when I was in Germany. I got my most recent one in 1993 so it's been awhile. We met Alvarez at the Quad Cam Bastard's Bastard Bash back in August and we hit it off right way. He and I spent a few drunken hours around the campfire talking about all the cool old punk rock we used to listen to. Alvarez played in a bunch of bands and got to know some of the cool folks who made up the punk scene back in the day and now he's partner in a tattoo shop in Pensacola FL. He decided to make the trip up for the party and I'm glad he did. I've known since I first saw his work that I wanted some art from him and he brought his stuff with him this trip and made it happen for me. A few others got some work done, but I was the first to get one. Here's a few shots of the action. This is one of the few times you'll see pics here that I didn't take, but since they're pics of me I guess it's OK ;-)

My buddy David from the Southern Cruisers took this one of the outline being done. It was funny because we were sitting just inside the front door of the shop due to the lighting. It seemed like EVERYBODY had to come get pictures of me getting ink. I guess they thought I was drunk or something. Alvarez just got this new book of cool old flash and really wanted to do something from it so I agreed. I usually won't get flash because I want all of mine to be unique but since this flash was really old and because of who was doing it and how it tied into my other work I agreed. It's hard to tell in the pics, but the other art on my arm is a skeleton's hand in a torn up glove holding a set of handlebars and says "I'll give up my bike when they pry it from my cold dead fingers" I thought that worked really well with the idea of a Sportster tank turning into a skull with handlebars sticking up out of it. I like it so who cares what you think!

The finished work. Thanks again my friend I LOVE THIS TAT! I even convinced my Wife that it was a good thing this morning when I showed it to her (She must really love me).

The happy art canvas!

The man, the legend, my favorite artist
Alvarez Check out the blog he runs with Roadside Marty. Marty was planning to make it, but the day job got in the way.
I'm so fuckin jealous!!! You fuckers look like you were having the time of your lives..the tat looks great Jeff and your right Alvarez has got to be one of the coolest muthafuckas ever, I'm fortunate to call him a friend!!!
ReplyDeleteJeff It was a blast, if your ever in ATL hit us up.