We had a great time at the Bash, gotta love an event small enough to supply all the beer for the weekend with the purchase of a $10 raffle ticket AND then have enough raffle prizes that everyone who bought a ticket won a prize. Some prizes were a custom seat pan, a custom exhaust and a beautiful custom painted helmet. Most of us won t-shirts, hats, patches and stickers. The coolest thing was the shirt I won in my size and it was one I had planned to buy soon anyway, so I scored! Here are some of the pics, hope you like them. I'll be posting more in the next day or two so be sure to keep checking back!
IronHollie's bike sporting the new
STP sticker I gave her :-)

Alvarez's bike. We spent HOURS Sat. night around the campfire talking about old punk bands from our youth. Check out his blog at
Flat Broke Customs
Justin brought this bike came all the way from Canada to play! He was extremely happy to be there and was great to hang out with.

This is Rob's bike, he is the master of the Quad Cam Bastard forum. You can check out the forum's blog
here and look at Rob's classic punk blog
Check back, I have plenty more to post!
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